tanzanian Heavenly Homes

Contact: TanzanianHH@gmail.com  

Phone John McCauley: 00353 87 615 7349

Tanzanian Heavenly Homes is a nonprofit organisation setup and run by John McCauley, a Photographer from Mullingar. He and his team travel to Tanzania every year to help the forgotten elders and the poor. 

Tanzania - July 2024

The team travelled to Mto Wa Mbu with 19 volunteers in July 2024

Using the money donated by you, we were able to buy rice, maize, beans, beds and mattresses for the poor people in the community. We also spent time working at the farm (Paddys Providing Pastures) preparing the land and picking fresh fruit and veg for the elders.

Checkout pictures from the trip below!

We are only the messengers of your kindness, and without your donations, many of the people in these pictures would not be alive today. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.

If your circumstances allow, please consider donating €3 per month by clicking the button below. Gifting a small monthly sum like this will help us to purchase the food and materials required to look after the community on an ongoing basis.

Tanzania - July 2023

We travelled to Mto Wa Mbu with 16 volunteers in July 2023

Using the money donated by you, we were able to buy rice, maize, beans, beds and mattresses for the poor people in the community.

We are only the messengers of your kindness, and without your donations, many of the people in these pictures would not be alive today. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.

If your circumstances allow, please consider donating €3 per month by clicking the button below. Gifting a small monthly sum like this will help us to purchase the food and materials required to look after the community on an ongoing basis.


Donations can be a once-off payment or setup as a monthly contribution. Please click the below link to make a donation. We greatly appreciate your support. 100% of all monies raised go towards helping the poor in Tanzania.

If you requested photographs off John McCauley and would like to make a donation in exchange for his services, please click below.

Upcoming Fundraising Events will be advertised below

Paddys Providing Pastures

Paddys Providing Pastures is a fundraising initiative run by Tanzanian Heavenly Homes. Our goal is to raise €20,000 (20x €1,000 donations) to buy farmland to help feed the people in our care, as well as provide a source of nutritious food to the locals in Mto Wa Mbu, Tanzania. Check out our video above for full details! 

If you would like to provide a full section of farmland (€1,000), click "Provide A Pasture!" below. Then email us your chosen pasture's name to TanzanianHH@gmail.com

If you would like to make a custom donation towards Paddys Providing Pastures, click "Custom Donation" below.

Alternatively if you would like to make a cash/cheque donation, please call John McCauley on 00353 87 6157349

The committee would be delighted to attend any fundraisers for Paddys Providing Pastures. We will bring pictures, videos and chat to your attendees about the charity. Please email us on TanzanianHH@gmail.com , or call John McCauley on 00353 87 6157349.

Paddys Providing Pastures - The Farm

Your donations have allowed us to purchase this farm to feed the people in our care and help the poor in the village. The team on the ground have began digging a stream for water to flow into from a government controlled reservoir, as well as having the ability to direct the little rainwater they do get into storage areas. Part of the land has been ploughed and seeds sown. Most recently, the land has been fenced off using materials gathered locally.

But we still need your help! With a small number of pastures remaining, please do get in touch with us if you are in a position to donate. Please email us on TanzanianHH@gmail.com , or call John McCauley on 00353 87 6157349.

Please consider donating €3 per month to help these people

Where is your donation going?

John spoke to the Westmeath Examiner about our most recent project; “We have built 8 units, which will house 16 people, each with their own bedrooms and toilets,” said John.“We have built a kitchen dinning area too, so each day a cook will prepare three meals for them – they would never have had 3 meals a day before.”

Your donations provide these people with shelter, water, food and clothing. 100% of all donations given to the charity go towards helping these people. John and the charity’s committee work on a 100% voluntary basis. All adults who travel to Tanzania do so at their own expense.

Contact Us

Tanzanian Heavenly Homes is a non profit organisation and is registered under the company act in Ireland. All members pay their own costs. All monies raised go towards projects in Tanzania. If you have any questions or queries regarding the charity, please email us on TanzanianHH@gmail.com. We would be happy to discuss our work with you!

Tanzanian Heavenly Homes

Mullingar, Co Westmeath, Ireland

Reg No: 545553 
